Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Art~You Can Be An Artist

It is my belief that any one can be an artist, all it takes is the desire. I have been an artist for about fifteen years now and I started out drawing stick figures. My art was a mess, but I liked drawing and wanted to get better. I kept drawing and eventually I got a lot better.
Here's a picture of a few of my paintings
You can find more on
my you tube channel.
I believe I became an artist because I had the desire to do it. This simple philosophy applies to anything you want to do in your life. It all starts with desire! I'm a positive and determined person in general though.
I read this book long ago and the inspiration it has provided me with has been with me since. This book is really one that sticks with you. It teaches you how you can think your way to any thing, and improve your life. A must read! Click on the book to the left if you want to check it out.
When I began my art, it was more for relaxation then anything, it is now my career and I still love it. It is rare that someone can find something they love and make money at it. I don't advertise or anything, I draw or paint when I want and my clients are people I know and people that have seen my art. It keeps me busy, even though I'm only local and still pretty small. It works out for me because, I don't have as much time as I wish to devote to my art. I'm a wife and a mother and that takes up most of my time. Someday, I'll be ready to get bigger, right now I'm content with being small. If you want to learn to draw, make it happen! This will help you get started drawing. Here is some help, if you want to learn how to paint. If you are already an artist and ready to get bigger now and want to know how to start selling your art, here is some help to get you started selling your art. If your interested in getting paid to draw check this out.
I have lots of other hobbies that I will add here.
Hope this blog was helpful.
Feel free to leave a comment and and be sure to bookmark this blog.

Also, check out .... Art~Artist Resource

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you are selling Napoleon Hill's book. I am reading it for the fifth time. Keep the good attitude it's appreciated.


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